What’s going on in Czech. Republic?
Pavel Kubu (Chairman KOPAC) Key note / English at CannaTrade 2023
2023-05-16 31 min
Description & Show Notes
Dr. Kubů is an expert in medical informatics and addictology, specializing in digital healthcare. He has formerly held a position at the Intel Corporation and was the Founding CEO of the International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute (ICCI) in Prague. Dr. Kubů is a graduate of Charles University in Prague, earning his Doctor of Medicine degree in General Medicine with a focus on disease prevention. Since the begining of the 2. millennium he is actively contributing to cannabis access education, lobby, research and development on national, EU and international level. Curently serves as CIO in Chain Pharmaceuticals GmbH and chairs Patient association for canabis treatment KOPAC and Czech national forum for eHealth.