COMPOSITES LOUNGE - Das Online Experten Netzwerk

Ilkay Özkisaoglu
Since 04/2021 154 Episoden

#111 JEC World 2024 Warm-Up Round 2

25.02.2024 113 min Staffel 5 Episode 68

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

Welcome to the 2nd round of Composites Lounge's LinkedIn Live to warm-up for JEC World 2024.

Our first round was completed successfully today. Due to popular demand we are entering with select international experts to a second and final round prior JEC World 2024.

Featured Associations & Clusters:

Prof. Roberto Frassine of Assocompositi, Italy
Dr Andrzej Czulak of Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies / Polski Klaster Technologii Kompozytowych
Prof. Alan Banks, Chair of BoD of Composites UK - Trade Association

Featured Exhibitors and Experts:

Xenia Sophia Köneke, DLR, Germany
Giorgio Betteto of Gees Recycling, Italy
Guenther Mayr for Holger Plasser of voidsy gmbh, Austria
Matthias Mayr, ENGEL, Austria
Dr. Viktor Reimer, ACTC, Germany

Co-moderated by
Yannick Willemin of 9T Labs

From our panelists, we want to know primarily among many other things:

1. Their personal background story: what happened in the past and how did they come to this point with composites?
2. Which mega trends do they see in the upcoming years and which roles do these play within their networks?
3. Which new impulses do they expect from JEC World 2024?
4. Which extraordinary value do you offer the composites community?
5. The recent Innovation Awards JEC 2024
6. Finally, what is their call-to-action? What should our viewer do next after they have watched our interview?

To name only a few.

This is the final round before we make our way to Paris to JEC Group's flagship event in composites.

Yours sincerely,
The Co-Founders of Composites Lounge
Ilkay Özkisaoglu, DER Social CEO of IMBEO®
- Passionate B2B Partnerships