COMPOSITES LOUNGE - Das Online Experten Netzwerk

Ilkay Özkisaoglu
Since 04/2021 154 Episoden

#114 ReCap JEC World 2024: We (Composites) are the cool kids on the block

12.03.2024 30 min Staffel 5 Episode 71

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

Europe will be the first carbon neutral continent of this planet by 2050 and that is why it is good that JEC World 2024 is back to normal. But what does it mean for you?

We analyze the attendance by both quantitative and qualitative measures. In particular, why the sole view on only an ROI on exhibiting or visiting of JW is not sufficient, because the community also wants to inspire endusers with new applications.

We cover in depth the latest news on the Green Deal. The European Commission has just launched a program for advanced materials that is a major opportunity for manufacturers. This means there will be funds available for innovation, because it is the EC's firm intention to become the first continent of this planet to become carbon neutral by 2050.

I find this overly ambitious, but at the same time cannot underline enough that this will only be possible with composites.

Why this is you can hear in this podcast episode.

We are also talking about the Olympics that will open its doors soon in Paris. The surprising part here is the large overlap in mindset of the sporting industry with composites.

What interesting things have you discovered on the showfloor?
Which presentation did you attend during March, 5 to 7?
What are your take aways from this years JW edition?