COMPOSITES LOUNGE - Das Online Experten Netzwerk

Ilkay Özkisaoglu
Since 04/2021 154 Episoden

#44 Composites Lounge Live: LightCon 2022 introducing Germany's key technology (English)

18.05.2022 64 min Staffel 5 Episode 1

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

Save-the-date: 1 and 2 June LightCon will open its doors to the public. Lightweight technologies are treated by the German government as key technologies.

Henceforth, the founding partner Composites United and I will host Dr Amer Affan, who played a significant role in the legendary

Museum of the future in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

This salient building with its architecture used extensively lightweight materials and we, that is Gunnar Merz alongside Klaus Drechsler will introduce you to the new LightCon format and present you innovation in design and construction of public buildings.

We want to contribute to a more sustainable world with our composites and other lightweight materials in order to achieve fit-for-55 in the green deal of the European Commission.

This live is for you, if you are a designer, construction technician/engineer, run or want to invest in modern buildings. Finally, if you are a material or solution provider learn at this live the purpose of LightCon that is supported by the German Ministry of Economics and Climate.

This Linkedin Live is in english and we welcome your questions and comments right down below in the chat section. We love to interact with you and will answer all your questions.