COMPOSITES LOUNGE - Das Online Experten Netzwerk

Ilkay Özkisaoglu
Since 04/2021 154 Episoden

#87 LightCon 2023: Announcement and Update by Thomas Pinkowski (English)

05.06.2023 4 min Staffel 5 Episode 44

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

During JEC 2023 we met on the Composites United Booth the Projekt Director of LightCon, a new Confex format in the lightweighting industry.

Learn more about the LightCon in todays podcast episode from first hand.

In this VUCA times material scarcity play a big role, hence the overarching theme at this year's confex. Hear also about why Poland has been selected as the partner country and who will speak under the patronage of the Ministry of Economics and Climate action of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Composites Lounge will be there and report while being with #composites360ontour