IGEPHA im Gespräch

Christina Nageler
Since 04/2021 61 Episoden

S6_Vol. 3 – IGEPHA im Gespräch mit Farhana Hawthorn

Wie Selfcare im United Kingdom funktioniert

10.10.2023 13 min Staffel 6 Episode 3

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

In der bereits sechsten Staffel werfen wir einen Blick über die Grenzen Österreichs hinaus: Es geht um die Verankerung der Self Care in konkreten Konzepten für die nationalen Gesundheitssysteme – sogenannte Self Care Strategien. Heute mit Farhana Hawthorn aus Großbritannien.
Da unsere Gesprächspartner fast alle nicht deutschsprachig sind, wird diese Staffel in Englischer Sprache stattfinden. 

During the sixth season we are looking beyond Austria's borders: It is about the anchoring of self-care in concrete concepts for national health systems - so-called self-care strategies.
Since almost all of our discussion partners are not German-speaking, this season will be held in English.
I am very pleased to be able to welcome my colleague in Great Britain for my second episode in season six:
Farhana Hawthorn from PAGB

Let me introduce my guest to you:

Farhana Hawthorn currently holds the position of Head of Public Affairs and Communications at PAGB, the consumer healthcare association. In her role, she spearheads PAGB's efforts in the realm of self-care. PAGB serves as the voice for manufacturers of branded over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, self-care medical devices, and dietary supplements in the United Kingdom. Prior to her tenure at PAGB, Farhana worked with a patient organization, providing support to individuals dealing with rare, genetic, and undiagnosed conditions. 

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