IGEPHA im Gespräch

Christina Nageler
Since 04/2021 61 Episoden

S6_Vol. 4 – IGEPHA im Gespräch mit Scott Milne

Wie Selfcare in Neuseeland funktioniert

24.10.2023 22 min Staffel 6 Episode 4

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

In der bereits sechsten Staffel werfen wir einen Blick über die Grenzen Österreichs hinaus: Es geht um die Verankerung der Self Care in konkreten Konzepten für die nationalen Gesundheitssysteme – sogenannte Self Care Strategien. Heute mit Scott Milne aus Neuseeland.
Da unsere Gesprächspartner fast alle nicht deutschsprachig sind, wird diese Staffel in Englischer Sprache stattfinden. 

Self-care is a daily practice for each of us, and research has highlighted its significant role in health economics and the healthcare system, making it an essential component of healthcare. Yet, Austria lacks a national self-care strategy. In this season of our podcast, we're exploring self-care approaches in different countries and continents.
Today, our journey takes us to New Zealand, where I'm delighted to introduce our special guest, Scott Milne, the Managing Director of Consumer Healthcare Products Association New Zealand.
Before we dive into our discussion, let me briefly introduce Scott:
Scott Milne serves as the Executive Director at CHPNZ - Consumer Healthcare Products NZ, the primary industry body in New Zealand representing manufacturers, importers, distributors, and retailers of non-prescription medical products, including medical devices, vitamins & minerals, and all over-the-counter items. He holds a Diploma of Pharmacy und Retail Pharmacy from the Central Institute of Technology. Collaborating with CHPNZ, the New Zealand self-care organization, he champions consumers' rights to self-care, when it comes to over-the-counter medication.


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