IGEPHA im Gespräch

Christina Nageler
Since 04/2021 60 Episoden

S6_Vol. 6 – IGEPHA im Gespräch mit Hubertus Cranz

Wie Selfcare in Deutschland funktioniert

21.11.2023 23 min Staffel 6 Episode 6

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

In der bereits sechsten Staffel werfen wir einen Blick über die Grenzen Österreichs hinaus: Es geht um die Verankerung der Self Care in konkreten Konzepten für die nationalen Gesundheitssysteme – sogenannte Self Care Strategien. Heute mit Hubertus Canz aus Deutschland.
Da unsere Gesprächspartner fast alle nicht deutschsprachig sind, wird diese Staffel in Englischer Sprache stattfinden. 

In this current podcast season, we explore the progress made by various countries on their journey towards a national self-care strategy. I've had engaging discussions with representatives of self-care associations from around the world, and I'm delighted to gain insights into the self-care landscape of our neighboring country, Germany.
Although Germany may not yet have a national self-care strategy in place, they are taking steps in the right direction that can serve as a positive example for Austria. Joining me today - with a deep understanding of the self-care landscape in Germany and Europe is Hubertus Cranz
But before we dive into our discussion, let me provide a brief introduction to todays guest:
Hubertus Cranz served as the General Director of the AESGP, the European umbrella organization of self-care advocacy groups, for 30 years. Since 2019, he has been the general manager of the BAH. Mr. Cranz is a qualified economist and completed his pharmacy studies in Tübingen.



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