IGEPHA im Gespräch

Christina Nageler
Since 04/2021 61 Episoden

S6_Vol. 8 – IGEPHA im Gespräch mit Judy Stenmark

Selfcare aus Sicht der Global Self Care Federation

19.12.2023 28 min Staffel 6 Episode 8

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

In der bereits sechsten Staffel werfen wir einen Blick über die Grenzen Österreichs hinaus: Es geht um die Verankerung der Self Care in konkreten Konzepten für die nationalen Gesundheitssysteme – sogenannte Self Care Strategien. Heute mit Judy Stenmark.
Da unsere Gesprächspartner fast alle nicht deutschsprachig sind, wird diese Staffel in Englischer Sprache stattfinden. 

Throughout this season, I've gathered fascinating insights and ideas. The discussions from our podcast interviews will aid in shaping our approach to utilize Self Care more effectively and efficiently.
Today's episode, the highlight of our international interview series, features a conversation with Judy Stenmark, the Director General of the Global Self Care Federation.
But before we dive into our discussion, let me provide a brief introduction to todays guest:
Judy Stenmark is the Director General of The Global Self-Care Federation (GSCF), a federation of regional and national associations, manufacturers and distributors of nonprescription medicines on all continents. The Global Self-Care Federation is dedicated to a world where self-care increasingly contributes to better health and more sustainable healthcare systems.
In her role, Judy orchestrates the strategic direction of GSCF, managing its operations, fostering relationships with members and key international stakeholders, and representing the interests of the self-care industry.
Formerly, Judy led Osteoporosis Australia and the International Osteoporosis Foundation as CEO. She is an accomplished health professional with a Master’s in Public Health from the University of New South Wales, Australia.

Global Self-Care Federation

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