IGEPHA im Gespräch

Christina Nageler
Since 04/2021 61 Episoden

S7_Vol. 1 – IGEPHA im Gespräch with Kristine Sørensen

What's the role of AI in digital health literacy

19.03.2024 31 min Staffel 7 Episode 1

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

In der siebten Staffel befassen wir uns mit künstlicher Intelligenz und erkunden die Chancen und Herausforderungen, die innovative Technologien für die Self-Care-Branche darstellen. Heute sprechen wir mit Kristine Sørensen über digitale Gesundheitskompetenz und welche Rolle Künstliche Intelligenz dabei spielt und wo die Chancen und Risken genau liegen.
Da unsere Gesprächspartner nicht alle deutschsprachig sind, werden wir wie bereits Staffel 6 auch diese Staffel in Englischer Sprache veröffentlichen. 
In season seven, we look at artificial intelligence and explore the opportunities and challenges that innovative technologies present for the self-care industry. Today we talk to Kristine Sørensen about digital health literacy and what role artificial intelligence plays in this and where exactly the opportunities and risks lie.
As our interviewees are not all German-speaking, we will also publish this season in English, as we did with season 6.

In this new season, we'll delve into Artificial Intelligence, exploring the opportunities and challenges innovative technologies present for the Self Care industry.
Artificial Intelligence has long been used in medical diagnostics, and wearables like fitness trackers and health apps are widespread among the public. A new chapter began with the public introduction of AI systems like ChatGPT. Trustworthy AI applications can support individuals in Self Care, potentially relieving the capacities of healthcare systems.
In this and upcoming episodes of the new podcast season, I'll discuss how AI can be meaningfully integrated into Self Care with various experts all over the world. That’s why we stay within English in this season as well.
About our todays guest: Kristine Sørensen
Living in Denmark, Kristine Sørensen founded the Global Health Literacy Academy in 2015. Previously, she worked on the editorial board of The ICT&health, which includes government officials, innovation leaders, medical specialists, scientists, IT specialists, and patients. Currently, she is a censor in public health at the University of Southern Denmark and a Senior Advisor to McKinsey & Company.
Be eager to hear what Kristine Sørensen, a health literacy expert, has to say about the opportunities and challenges associated with ChatGPT & Co.


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