Podcast ist echt nicht einfach!

Daan Mackel

Folge 118 Podcast ist echt nicht einfach! Liza van Brakel Circusmaker ENGLISH VERSION

english version

06.03.2025 60 min

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

🎙 Podcast ist echt nicht einfach! – A Conversation with Liza van Brakel 🎙 Circusmaker
In this episode of Podcast ist echt nicht einfach!, I sit down with Liza van Brakel, a Dutch juggler and movement artist whose unique style merges hip-hop dance influences with club manipulation. Her work is visually striking, highly physical, and pushes the boundaries of contemporary circus. We take a deep dive into her latest show, "Inside Juggling", created with Compagnie Hippana Maleta. This performance explores our relationship with our own mediated image—touching on themes of authenticity, perspective shifts, self-presentation, and digital self-optimization. With clubs, cameras, and live projections, Liza challenges our perception of reality, crafting a world of vivid imagery, unexpected moments, and choreographic finesse. 
We also talk about: 
🔹 How she discovered circus and developed her unique style 
🔹 Performing with Gandini Juggling in a massive opera in New York 
🔹 "Galop" – her bicycle circus show, where she transforms her pink, white, and purple bike into a parade horse and tours festivals and villages. With a tent on her back, juggling tricks, bike bells, water bottles, and clever bicycle mechanisms, she creates an interactive, ever-changing outdoor performance. 
🔹 Buitengewoon & Circusstad Rotterdam – an inclusive circus project where people with mental disabilities perform alongside professional artists. 
🎧 Tune in now for a deep dive into contemporary circus, movement, and creativity! 🚀


INSTAGRAM LIZA VAN BRAKEL ► https://www.instagram.com/lizavanbrakel/?hl=de 
HOMEPAGE LIZA VAN BRAKEL ► https://www.lizavanbrakel.com/ 
YOUTUBE LIZA VAN BRAKEL► https://www.youtube.com/@lizavanbrakel5100 HOMEPAGE 
HIPPANA MALETA ► https://www.hippanamaleta.com/ 

INSTAGRAM DAAN ► https://www.instagram.com/daan_mackel/​ 
FACEBOOK DAAN ► https://www.facebook.com/daan.mackel​ 
HOMEPAGE DAAN ► https://www.jongleurdaan.de​ 
PAYPAL DAAN ► paypal.me/daanmackel 
PATREON DAAN: ► https://www.patreon.com/daanmackel​ 

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