sympoietics. Raum für Wechselseitiges

Astrid Habiba Kreszmeier, Dorothea Kurteu
Since 02/2022 33 Episoden

11A Care and more: Living in devotion. Riane Eisler (english)

22.03.2023 55 min

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

Riane Eisler, born 1931, sociologist and lawyer. Since the 1970s she has been researching and working for a world structured not by domination but by partnership.

Fluid, precise, heartfelt and committed, Riane Eisler speaks to us about her history and her tireless multi-disciplinary, transcultural research in service of societies that promote renewal and care rather than exploitation and the preservation of power. She takes us through the liberation movements of the last decades and generously shares her current approaches and call for a care economy. 

What a joy to hear Riane Eisler speak, a true elder who answers her call with full dedication and determination. We you wish the same while listening! 



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2025 - Astrid Habiba Kreszmeier, Dorothea Kurteu