Episode Seventeen: Pan-Pacifica Part 1
The storm has a name...
2023-06-06 69 min
Description & Show Notes
Torg Eternity Delphi Council Debriefings with your hosts Leamon Crafton Jr. Mark Malcolm and returning special guest host Rachel Savicki answer fan emails and discuss Pan-Pacifica Axioms and World Laws.
Watch Leamon and Mark stream Torg Eternity every Wednesday at 7pm Eastern on RoleHitDie (Twitch) RoleHitDie - Twitch
Watch JM stream Torg Eternity every Tuesday at 8:30 Eastern on Iconic Production (Twitch) IconicProduction - Twitch
Check out Rachels webpage at Rachel Savicki – Writer. Game Designer. Professional GM. (rachelwritesthings.com)