Traumweberinnen Podcast

Manuela Maier

How to take action on your dreams - Realtalk with Manu

30.06.2024 40 min

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

Welcome to another solo episode of the Traumweberinnen Podcast! My name is Manuela Maier and I am your host. This episode marks the 6-months anniversary of this podcast and I will share with you what these past six months of making this show have taught me!

It's been a wild ride so far. In this talk, I will share with you what impact following my calling to quit my job as a mainstream journalist and start this show has had on my life. A lot has changed for me over the last six months. I've settled into a quieter, more regulated day job that pays for my basic needs and that has really helped me get out of survival mode. On the side, I'm taking action on building up my dream: interviewing women on how they were and are able to fulfill their heart's desires, their dream lives.

This episode is for you, if you are also at a point in your life where the status quo does not make you happy anymore and you feel like you need to redirect your course. This can definitely seem daunting, but I can tell you: you are not alone. This episode is for you, if you feel like you would lose the cosy life you've built and the people you surround yourself with, IF you started questioning it and trying out new things, because they would ridicule you for doing that. 

Let me know in the comments if my message resonates with you!

Find your purpose and heal yourself!
Lots of love, Manu