Woman by Nature Podcast

From Burnout to Balance
Since 01/2024 7 episodes

07 Working Mom Detox: Hands-on Methods for Holistic Purification

2024-02-21 28 min Dr. Claudia Burger

Description & Show Notes

Spring is detox time! When speaking of detox, purification, and cleansing we usually think of treatments that help releasing toxins that penetrate our bodily system. However, holistic detox also considers mental, emotional, social, and spiritual cleansing methods and techniques. In this episode, you learn about methods that help cleanse & purify your holistic organism by holistic means. I share with you what working mom detox means, why you can profit from it, and how to implement it in your busy working mom everyday life. 

Spring is detox time! When speaking of detox, purification, and cleansing we usually think of treatments that help releasing toxins that penetrate our bodily system. However, holistic detox also considers mental, emotional, social, and spiritual cleansing methods and techniques. In this episode, you learn about methods that help cleanse & purify your holistic organism by holistic means. I share with you what working mom detox means, why you can profit from it, and how to implement it in your busy working mom everyday life.

Ayurveda Water Treatment:
Make use of my Ayurveda Water Instructions handout! Access for free on my website on drclaudiaburger.com and find the black box entitled "Ready for finally mastering your exhaustion?" on my homepage, follow the next steps from there and start your working mom detox spring ;-)

  • taking Triphala, especially in spring for detoxification, is the to-go-solution of Ayurvedic treatments
  • supports digestion, eliminates toxins, and rejuvenates gastrointestinal tract
  • increases digestive fire 
  • take as a tablet or, more ideally, as a powder that you drink like tea
  • in the beginning, take it mixed with juice or even cooked with ghee and (plant-based )milk
  • take it in the morning or in the evening before bed time
  • If you drink it as tea before bed time or first thing in the morning for activating your digestion, let it steep for 10-15 min
Put your name on the waiting list of the Woman by Nature Essentials !
The Woman by Nature Essentials are a video teaching series in which you learn about how to determine your highly unique natural state of being, the constitution you have by nature. You learn to feel again what it is that you need for getting back to balance and mastering your Working Mom Exhaustion or Burnout. You learn about your innate strengths and weaknesses and what signs and signals to pay attention to. Most importantly, you learn about what principles to follow for re-balancing your imbalance tendencies.  

Any questions? Book your free 15min call or write a message HERE

References: Dr. Vasant Lad