Experts Speak English! Podcast

Corinne Wilhelm

9 Change Management Communication Pitfalls to Avoid & A Resilience Tip #172

2024-03-27 24 min

Description & Show Notes

 No matter what changes, there is resistance, isn't there. Yet for employers to remain competitive, change is inevitable. If you are serious about your career, you need to be able to adapt quickly - not just as an individual, but as a leader and communicator. In this episode of Experts! Speak English, I'll share practical tips on how to future-proof your skills, connect better with your team, and lead your organization through times of uncertainty. Listen in for 9 pitfalls to avoid, no fluff.

1. Transcript for this Change Management Communication episode
2. Research: AT Kearney Global PMI Survey 1998/99 -
58% of post merger integration respondents attribute failure to under communication
3. Business Fluency Booster via WhatsApp €69/Month
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