Glaube ist frag-würdig

Colin Barke & Stephan Lange
Since 02/2023 49 Episoden

Can an MIT Professor believe in God? - A conversation with Prof. Dr. Ian Hutchinson (Plasma Science and Fusion Center)

16.06.2024 41 min

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

Ian Hutchinson is not only a professor of nuclear science and engineering at the highly renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but also a committed Christian. In this exciting episode, Colin and Stephan talk to Ian about his groundbreaking work in plasma physics and his commitment to fusion energy research at MIT's Plasma Science and Fusion Center. Ian debunks the myth that Christianity and science are incompatible and provides insights into the vibrant Christian community at MIT. He also shares his experiences from debates with atheists and emphasizes the importance of dialogue and respect in such conversations.

His book "Can a Scientist Believe in Miracles? An MIT Professor Answers Questions on God and Science" is available, among other places, here:

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