Ich geh in Führung

Franca Villarroel
Since 03/2023 34 Episoden

#25 *in english* "Your soul is holding your truth!" | Talk with Celine Heldrup

16.04.2024 46 min

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

In this spiritual, transparent talk, with Celine Heldrup, Awakening speaker & soul guidance from Norway, we just step right into it! 
What if, when it’s all solved? 
What if, your true soul has it all? 
We as humans, have all access to a higher consciousness! 
It’s just a question of, how much you allow yourself, to step into it…
Your light! Your magnetic energy! Your life purpose! 
Celine is sharing her expertise, what it means to deeply trust into your intuition. Meeting your fears, darkness and blockages. Listening and observing your feelings, stepping into your deep strength, your real light!
Coming to the awareness that, our deepest strength is our responsibility, being the creator of our life. Which requests a constant ability of creating, every step of your day. Not reacting to the circumstances, more observing your feelings and asking yourself: What do i need to give
myself, to step into my truth! 
The more you feel, the more is coming, what you are longing for! 
When we face doubts or negative beliefs along the way, whisper to yourself: 

* You are safe! 
* Im not gonna leave you! 
* I love you! 
She softly reminds you, that the true recipe, is not outside of yourself! It’s inside of you! 
What an inspiration you are, Celine! Thank you! 
Listen,learn and grow! 
Love ❤️Franca
More about Celine:

• Website: https://www.celineheldrup.no/
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celineheldrup

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