Mobility Planet

Rupprecht Consult

#05 SUNRISE - Cars or kids? Mobility planning at the neighbourhood level

Pitfalls and possibilities with neighbourhood-based mobility planning.

2021-10-01 32 min

Description & Show Notes

Bringing together the two very different scales – the city-wide level needed for integrated planning and the people-oriented on-the-ground neighbourhood level – is a tricky balance of communication, trust and expectation management. Let's discuss!

Welcome to our new episode on sustainable mobility. This episode is on planning neighbourhoods. 
Mobility planning should make it easier for us to move through cities, to pursue our daily activities and to reach our destinations safely, swiftly and affordably but it’s a large and complex task and city administrations aren’t always aware of the needs of individual neighbourhoods. So when residents need wider sidewalks, safe bicycle parking or closer bus stops, how do we make sure their voices are heard? 
Bringing together the two very different scales – the city-wide level needed for integrated planning and the people-oriented on-the-ground neighbourhood level – is a tricky balance of communication, trust and expectation management. 
The European SUNRISE project has been working on this issue for the past four years – on the ground and in close collaboration with residents of six different cities – accompanying their co-creation planning processes. 
In this episode, our colleague Bonnie Fenton talks with Ralf Brand (also from Rupprecht Consult) and Michael Koucky from Koucky & Partners. Both are people-focussed mobility planners who spent a lot of time looking at neighbourhoods in the SUNRISE project.
If you want to find out more about this podcast and our work, feel free to check the link section below. And of course, subscribe to our podcast to keep up with our new episodes and hear more about the urban mobility of the future.
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| Contributors |
Jingle: Santiago Campos, Musicbox
Visual: Marie Rupprecht, Alexander Büche
Contributors: Bonnie Fenton, Ralf Brand, Michael Koucky, Anouchka Strunden
| Disclaimer | 
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 72 33 65. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the INEA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.