#06 Can we regulate car traffic with geofencing?
How geofencing can help in the regulation of speed and emissions in cities.
2021-12-13 26 min
Description & Show Notes
Bonnie and Anouchka are currently working on a project for urban vehicle access regulations. Basically, that means ways to reduce car access to parts of cities to make them cleaner, safer and more attractive for people. But how do we make sure that hybrid cars are is in electric mode inside the zero-emission zone? That’s when geofencing comes into play.
In this episode, we talked to four different experts from Sweden to the Netherlands, who explained to us the functioning and advantages of geofencing for cars and busses.
The European Union agreed that starting next year, all new cars, vans, lorries and buses should be fitted with a range of new vehicle safety technologies This includes Intelligent Spees Assistance (ISA) which either warns the driver when exceeding the speed limit or even takes control of the engine to only allow the respective maximum speed.
We talked to Josephine Darlington and Rodrigue Al Fahel from Lindholmen Science Park in Gothenburg who are working on a project called CLOSER that looks at different possible uses of Geofences. In Sweden, Geofencing is currently used to control the speed and switch the combustion mode in hybrid vehicles.
We also talked to Matthieu Graindorge, from the Smart and Green Mobility department of the City of Helmond and Steven Herskamp from the company V-TRON. They are currently testing ways to use Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) to integrate it into their new smart disctrict. Helmond is also part of ReVeAL, a European Project that tests and promotes different measures to regulate vehicles in urban areas.
The European Union agreed that starting next year, all new cars, vans, lorries and buses should be fitted with a range of new vehicle safety technologies This includes Intelligent Spees Assistance (ISA) which either warns the driver when exceeding the speed limit or even takes control of the engine to only allow the respective maximum speed.
We talked to Josephine Darlington and Rodrigue Al Fahel from Lindholmen Science Park in Gothenburg who are working on a project called CLOSER that looks at different possible uses of Geofences. In Sweden, Geofencing is currently used to control the speed and switch the combustion mode in hybrid vehicles.
We also talked to Matthieu Graindorge, from the Smart and Green Mobility department of the City of Helmond and Steven Herskamp from the company V-TRON. They are currently testing ways to use Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) to integrate it into their new smart disctrict. Helmond is also part of ReVeAL, a European Project that tests and promotes different measures to regulate vehicles in urban areas.
If you want to find out more about this podcast and our work, feel free to check the link section below. And of course, subscribe to our podcast to keep up with our new episodes and hear more about the urban mobility of the future.
| Links for this episode |
- Our Team at Rupprecht Consult: https://www.rupprecht-consult.eu/
- The European Project ReVeAL: Civitas ReVeAL - Regulating Vehicle Access for Improved Liveability (civitas-reveal.eu)
- Geofencing in Helmond: https://civitas-reveal.eu/helmond/helmond-tests-isa-speed-traffic/
- Rupprecht Consult on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rupprecht_Tweet
- Rupprecht Consult on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rupprecht-consult-gmbh/
- Rupprecht Consult on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG-auHd-IijGakxfRpA8dwA
| Contributors |
Contributors: Bonnie Fenton, Anouchka Strunden, Josephine Darlington, Rodrigue Al Fahel, Matthieu Graindorge, Steven Herskamp
Jingle: Santiago Campos, Musicbox
Jingle: Santiago Campos, Musicbox
Visual: Marie Rupprecht, Alexander Büche
| Disclaimer |
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 815008. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the INEA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.