OxidOS with Alexandru Radovici
Alex, CEO of OxidOS, discusses enhancing safety in car ECUs, Rust's advantage over other languages in embedded, certification, and teaching Rust to students. He highlights testing with OxidOS, Rust in industrial systems, and tool selection for success.
2024-06-27 69 min
Description & Show Notes
It has become a trope by now: "Cars are computers on wheels." In modern cars, not only the infotainment system but also the engine, brakes, and steering wheel are controlled by software. Better make sure that software is safe.
Alexandru Radovici is a Software Engineer at OxidOS, a company that builds a secure, open-source operating system for cars built on Rust and Tock. We talk about the challenges of certifying Rust code for the automotive industry and the new possibilities with Rust-based car software.
About OxidOS
OxidOS is a Rust-based secure ecosystem for safety critical automotive ECUs. Their solution consists of a Rust-based Secure Operating System and DevTools for medium-size microcontrollers inside automotive ECUs, designed for safety-critical applications. The OxidOS ecosystem provides significant security and safety enhancements while reducing development and certification time by half for automotive ECU software development projects. This is achieved through the usage of Rust that brings benefits such as memory and thread safety enforced at compile time. The OxidOS architecture runs memory sandboxed applications, which have cryptographic credentials and are digitally signed.
About Alexandru Radovici
Alexandru Radovici is an Associate Professor at the Politehnica University in Bucharest, Romania, where he has been using Rust to teach for a few years. Alexandru is also one of the maintainers of the Tock embedded operating system, written fully in Rust.
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Links From The Show
- llvm-cov
- Pietro Albini at Rust Nation UK: "How Ferrocene qualified the Rust Compiler"
- microkernel
- Postcard
- Embassy
- Alex's embedded course (it's free)
- probe-rs
- Alex's Tock book: "Getting Started with Secure Embedded Systems: Developing IoT Systems for micro:bit and Raspberry Pi Pico Using Rust and Tock"
- Tour of Rust
- sudo-rs
- ntpd-rs
- embedded world
Official Links
About corrode
"Rust in Production" is a podcast by corrode, a company that helps teams adopt Rust. We offer training, consulting, and development services to help you succeed with Rust. If you want to learn more about how we can help you, please get in touch.
This is Rust in Production, a podcast about companies who use Rust to shape
the future of infrastructure.
My name is Matthias Endler from corrode, and today we talk to Alexandru Radovici
from OxidOS about embedded development and putting Rust back into cars.
Hey Alex, welcome to the show. Can you talk a little bit about yourself and
about OxidOS, the company that you work for?
Hi, Matthias. Thank you for the invitation. My name is Alex. I'm the CEO of OxidOS.
OxidOS wants to provide a new kind of operating system for small ECUs in order
to make cars safer and the development cycle slower.
My background is in computer engineering. I have a PhD in computer science and
have been working in operating systems and compilers for the last 15 years, probably.
Maybe for some clarification, what is an ECU?
An ECU would be an electromechanical component that has a chip on it.
So it's a small part in a car that is controlled electronically by software.
The normal device, we would say it's a microcontroller. In the car,
we would say it's an electronic control unit.
Okay, perfect. You say that you have a background in compilers,
and i wonder how long is it since you started with rust and started with maybe
even low level programming so.
Low level programming probably in high school
in the days of windows 90 95 actually
the days of dos we would do really crazy
things in dos with rust i'm not
that old in rust i started it in actually i
had three attempts to start rust somewhere in 2015 2016
dropped it because complicated syntax
tried two years later but didn't have time and finally i did have time during
the pandemic the pandemic hit us in 2020 i was teaching at university we started
teaching online which reduced significantly the time that i had to spend the
university and i started contributing to Doc OS,
which is an operating system written in Rust. That's how I learned Rust.
I needed a project, and this one seemed really nice.
It's kind of funny that you say that, because not many people have that depth
of experience then, and also maybe drop the language in between.
So I do wonder, has the syntax changed significantly since your first attempt?
Yes, it did. Lifetime elision rules were added, and I think the manual was better.
But most probably I dropped it because I didn't have enough time.
It was a really, really small side project, which required more time than I could afford.
And what did you use before Rust? Probably some C, C++ assembly?
Not really. I started with Pascal and doing stuff in NASM and Pascal.
I used Delphi afterwards.
I did learn C by writing some Linux software. I never learned C++.
I don't like it. I think it's a nice playground and it was super necessary, but I'm not a fan of C++.
And knowing compilers, I can have several reasons why not.
And then I used, surprisingly, Node.js as soon as it came out.
My previous business was performing remote updates and controlling boards with
everything written in node.js.
And what was so great about node.js that you jumped on it immediately i.
Was very similar in syntax with c i didn't have to do mandatory indents and
getting errors that they don't fit like in python i'm not saying python is not
great it is it just it was not
easy to fix indent problems and i
don't know node.js was running everywhere it was running in
the browser it was running on the computer it was
really easy and fast to program so we started the previous business with controlling
boards with writing a client in c and it took us about a month and a half to
be able to start sending messages on the protocols that we needed in In Node.js, it took us half a day.
Probably the Node.js ecosystem exploded and you would find modules for everything.
Some were good, some were bad, but it just worked really nice.
Are there any similarities between Node.js and Rust?
I think there's a lot of them in syntax. If you think of structures,
if you think of TypeScript and the type system, but this is more or less normal.
Somehow it was the same foundation or company behind them.
So they borrowed many things. In the functional part from Node.js, they borrowed it.
I think so. Of course, they have different purposes.
Well, yeah, that's true. But at the same time, when you said Node.js runs on
the backend and the frontend in every environment, I was reminded of Rust somehow,
because Rust is kind of similar there.
You have backend applications, and you can write things all the way to embed
it, which is what we talk about today, right?
Yes, that's why we actually migrated to Rust. So we tried using Go for the previous
company, and it didn't work very well for several reasons.
And then when we found Rust, after the pandemic, we said, okay,
this is something that we want to use.
And now we have the code base more or less in Rust, and everything fits nicely together.
What were some reasons why you dropped Go?
Package management was really bad. We are talking about 2015 to 2017.
Package management was bad. they had several package managers none of them worked
you had a global go variable the project structure was very fixed you needed
to have a fixed folder in your home directory so there were several reasons
of project organization i think yeah.
These things are mostly fixed by now so i wonder would you go and give go another
chance today or would you not but obviously Obviously, you know more about Rust nowadays,
but I do wonder if you had a team and you started out fresh without really any
Rust background, would you still try with Go or would you nowadays start with Rust right away?
Uh, that's a difficult question. Probably I'd look at it.
The idea that you have a garbage collector can be good and bad.
I mean, it's bad if you have a constraint system, but if you don't have a lot
of constraints and you can consume a decent amount of memory,
the garbage collection collector will be way more efficient because it will
delete memory when it has time, not when it It doesn't have time.
The second thing in Go, the fact that you don't have to explicitly start threads is not that bad.
So probably for concurrent programming, I would give Go a try.
But in the case, if the case were that I wouldn't know Rust and I wouldn't have
a team that has experience in Rust,
today I wouldn't choose Go because I have the team that knows Rust and it would
not be economically wise to do this.
How is the support for embedded devices in Go?
I know there's tiny Go. I saw this at FOSDEM in 2020, but I didn't follow it.
My understanding is that it's basically some kind of VR TOS modified to be a Go runtime.
But I might be saying something that's not true anymore. I didn't follow this.
Yeah, the two things I learned lately was that they really improved there.
Garbage collector times this is one huge thing because that was a blocker back in the day,
and then i do think that they need
some sort of runtime for an embedded environment there's no other way that i
see because of go routines and so on i do wonder though if the runtime itself
is limited or if you can write the same go code that you can write in a backend
application for example?
I don't know. I don't know what to say. I know the runtime that they were using
in 2020 was something based on VRTOS talking to the maintainer at FOSDEM.
But I wouldn't know more than that.
What I do know and what I'm really happy is that they use finally something different than C.
Don't get me wrong, C is a really useful language, but it's really old and has a lot of problems.
So if you can avoid it in a way or another, that's really good.
Can you list some of the problems, especially in an embedded context?
Memory allocation will be always a problem. So if on big computers you have
paging, and if you do something that's not just right, You might get a segmentation
fault because the operating system protects you.
In many cases in embedded, this is not happening. So you can do a lot of memory
overflows or incorrect memory usages, and you will just not get away,
but go to undefined behavior.
And for beginners, and I am teaching embedded systems for some time,
doing small lab projects is fine in C.
But as soon as the project becomes a little bit more complicated,
it becomes increasingly hard for students.
They will fight with C syntax and pointers instead of focusing on what they need to do on the app.
Another problem is there is no package management.
So you are fully responsible in making the packages compatible.
And the third problem is no interfaces. I mean, you have the H files,
but that's not enough for an interface.
I can certainly relate to that. I didn't write any embedded code in C,
but it was always frustrating just to get past the compiler.
And even if you did get past the compiler, it doesn't mean it runs.
It just means it compiles. But runtime is another thing.
There definitely were segfaults.
And maybe you want to avoid that in an embedded environment.
In an embedded environment, there's no segfault. It just does something different,
which Rust calls undefined behavior for a good reason.
Right. So does that mean that the code that runs in my car also is prone to undefined behavior?
More or less. I mean, they use C for cars, but if the car manufacturer respects
good practices, they will require software to comply with the ACIL standard,
A, B, C, D, depending on what that software does.
Because technically what they do is they write the software and then have a
lot of static analysis with very expensive tools, which do what the Rust compiler does out of the box.
Try to find undefined behavior and ask the developer to fix it.
And to some extent that works fairly well, but it takes a lot of time and it is very expensive.
And now suddenly we got rust and all of these problems go away quote unquote
but i do wonder does it save companies time to start with rust because maybe
they don't run into a lot of these problems.
It depends which company so car manufacturers would not write software directly
until recent years they would buy the part like they would buy the headlight
they would buy the brake system, the ABS system from a tire one.
The tire one would actually write the software, choose the microcontroller,
make the ECU, and make all these checks.
I think, and we actually think at OxidOS, on an educated guess,
that it will save some time because the Rust compiler forces you to write software in the right way.
Somehow, the community that wrote Rust just got inspired from this functional
safety and good practices of writing code.
It's one to write the whole code,
then go through static analysis and then retrofit. It's another one when your
code does not compile at the beginning.
So in Rust, it will simply not compile. So you will be forced to think a little bit different.
And this is where we think they will save some time.
And probably due to the nature of the language and the expressivity of the language,
it will be easier to read the source code.
The Rust compiler itself got recently approved or it got certified for those
critical embedded environments like automotive.
And I do wonder, as a Rust developer, how much work do you have to do on top
of what is already certified or qualified?
Do you also have to qualify your code even if you run it in Rust? I assume so.
Yes, and that is still an ongoing issue.
So the compiler is certified. What is not certified yet is the core library.
And the compiler, it's not like the C compiler where the compiler is completely standalone.
In Rust, the compiler needs a subset of the core library, the language features.
And I think several companies are working to certify that as well.
We, as a software provider, need to certify the software as well.
So we need to do what is called ACLD out-of-context certification.
So we need to prove that the software does what it says it does.
Out of context, because we have no hardware that we run on, the client that
buys the operating system from us is providing the hardware.
The client is the final step in the certification because he needs to take the
software together with hardware, respect some parameters and guidelines and certify the whole ECU.
We as a software provider need to provide a lot of documentation for the software.
There's a V model where we need to provide specific requirements.
Requirements, we need to provide the architecture, and we need to provide the
detailed design up to almost every variable that we use.
And then we need to provide tests for everything in the inverse direction,
testing the small components, functional testing, and then testing that the requirements are met.
In the Rust ecosystem is really rich and moving really fast,
but we are still missing some tools. For instance, we need to prove that our
tests do full coverage of the code, and this will be available in LLVM 18.
I'm saying will be because Rust doesn't use LLVM 18 yet. It's in progress.
And we are also missing some tools that can do some kind of static analysis
that compiler doesn't do.
But it's in the works. I mean, the Rust ecosystem is really good at doing things fast.
Just yesterday, I used a tool called llvm-cov or something like this,
which allows you to print the coverage of my rust code.
But I assume that what you mean is it's not available for your environment for your context.
Is that correct? Or is it the same software, essentially?
I think it's the same software. My colleagues were looking at it a month ago, so it wasn't available.
This is really, really new because they included this in LLBM 18,
and I know the Rust compiler is working towards having support.
And I know that the team that does certification says that what we currently
have is not enough, but it's very, very close to what we need, and it will be done.
Talking to some compiler vendors, Rust compiler vendors, my understanding is
that they are working to integrate this fully in the compiler.
Yeah what i learned yesterday was that i needed to pass in one additional flag
which was not stable yet there was a config flag i can't remember but the rest
was in fact running on stable rust which is kind of that's the problem.
I think that's the problem that my colleagues had.
Okay well coming back to the architecture of OxidOS and also the software that
you need to certify i do wonder if you have to go down to a function level and
even sometimes a variable level does it make,
redesigning the architecture super hard i imagine that you need to be extremely
conservative about what you put in and how you move things around because you
know that it will mean you will have to update all these documents and maybe
trigger another round of certification.
Yes that is correct. So how the system was designed, and this was designed in the
90s, is you are building specific requirements,
you are building the architecture, you are building the detailed design up to
the function and almost variable level.
And this is the point where you start writing the software.
Which is very interesting because in our case, we use an open source operating
system, which we professionalize.
And we have the software already, but we need to retrofit the document.
So this is the challenge that we have. The second is we are working very hard
to make this architecture changes easy.
Because imagine it's an open source software. It moves online.
It changes. It gets new features. It gets redesigned from time to time.
We need to have a really fast way in bringing in those changes,
at least the changes that are security related, and be able to update the documentation.
And this is a process that my colleagues are working very hard to do.
If I understand you correctly, TockOS existed before this process started.
So now you are in a situation where you have this ongoing open source project
and you somehow need to retrofit it into the certification process. Is that correct?
Exactly. Yes, that is correct.
And then whenever you get a pull request from an external contributor,
you need to somehow see if that fits into the bigger equation.
Okay, how long is that feedback loop if you look at it from a open source maintainers perspective?
Hours, days, weeks, months?
For the open source project, it's fast. For certification, we are still assessing
this, but probably it's weeks in our case.
In a standard certification process, it would be months.
But we are trying to shrink this to weeks. We can't follow the upstream to the
letter because we will provide a stable operating system with a certain set of features.
What we need to pull in from upstream is security
patches and changing the architecture will be the case only if this impacts
seriously security and from time to time we'll pull another version of Tock
and certify that one so this is the process that we are following.
OxidOS is a fork of Tock and you maintain your mirror of it. Is that correct?
It is a fork which is very close to upstream.
So we are trying to avoid things that different companies did,
forking an operating system, forking some software, having a downstream version,
and then having thousands out of upstream patches.
So we are following Tock really, really close.
Half of our team is our contributors, our steady contributors to Tock.
And we're trying to update as soon as possible and ship back code as soon as possible.
And how are you planning to reduce feedback cycle for the official certification?
Do the certifiers, the qualifiers, do they get access to a repository?
Do you have to send them a CD with all the code or an email or a fax?
And also on the other side,
Are they used to checking Rust code?
What is the process there? Do they also have to upscale and learn new technologies?
Certification is a bureaucratic process. So assessors verify documents.
And for instance, they start asking questions to the teams. Who is responsible for this?
Okay, where can you show me that this was tested? And you need to show the test.
Where can you show me you see this function?
Excellent. Which requirement does it fulfill? fill and then you need to quickly show the requirement.
So it's more or less a bureaucratic process, not a process of verifying code.
The assessor is very much interested in the fact that you as a company have
a clear process, what happens if and what needs to be done when something happens.
He needs to see that everybody knows the process, knows how to find and to track down something.
For instance, if some ECU misbehaves and they determine it's the operating system,
we need to be able to very, very quickly track it down to the line of code.
The language is not important here, but we have the responsibility to actually prove that,
hey, this line actually covered this requirement and this could not have happened
or this happened, but not because of a faulty process or a faulty code submit,
but because nobody ever thought of this corner case.
Basically avoiding the XZ problem.
So we're an open source, but we need to prove that we did everything possible
to avoid a problem such XZ.
So if XZ would have been certified, what that contributor did would have been
impossible because that testing framework would have had some requirements and
they would have had to prove that everything in a test framework has a requirement
and there's no additional code to that.
From what I heard, and correct me if I'm wrong here, the entire process is sensical.
It does make sense because they don't really look at the code itself,
they look at the process,
they look at a high-level documentation, documentation they look at whatever
else you need but they don't really tell you how to write the code they just
tell you what you need to guarantee or what are things to look out for. Do you agree with this?
Exactly actually you are telling
yourself how to write the code because the detailed design document shows you
sequence diagrams and exactly how do you need to write the code well and what
they check is the sequence diagram the code respects the sequence diagram And
there's no additional code except the stat sequence diagram.
There's no additional significant code.
Okay. Significant means?
You have an auxiliary variable, that's fine. But calling additional functions
or having the function way more complex or having a branch of a match that's
not covered in the detail design.
It is down to a process, to a very efficient, hopefully, and well-documented
process where a team knows exactly what it needs to do.
Is it something that can be exciting and also rewarding in a sense that you
learn more about software development and best practices? Or is it something that needs to be done?
It's half and half. It depends how you apply it. I mean, if you apply it correctly,
and if you're changing, and that's what we are doing.
If you're trying to change a little bit the process to be more modern than in
the 90s, then yes, it's very rewarding.
And the team is very efficient. If you follow the process that was described
in the 90s to the line, you will have to send documents over email for approval.
This is not something that we want to do. So we use a repository.
The documents are marked down files.
Of course, digitally signed, that's fine. But bringing this process to the modern
era is one of our biggest concerns.
And we are talking to assessors to allow us to do this because you can do deviations
from the process as long as you can prove it makes sense.
That sounds like a way more modern development environment that I envisioned.
We're struggling with this. So we are not there yet. We are working actively
in doing this, but sadly, it's a very costly process.
Does it also depend on who will verify your code, the agency that will do it in the end?
Or is it more or less normative and people are always using the same process?
The process standard is ASPICE. Now, every manufacturer uses a different version,
which he or she adapted for its purpose.
We are trying to modernize it and adapt it for open source. because in the automotive
industry, open source was not a thing until a few years ago.
And in the safety critical parts of automotives are not connected to the internet,
in the engine or brake control, open source still does not exist.
And adapting this and making the industry understand what open source means
and that they need to change a little bit the process takes time.
I saw a talk by Pietro Albini at Rust Nation UK lately, and they used a Google
document to document or maybe to start to qualify the Rust compiler.
And they had one huge document, even with different color schemes for different
areas or for different sections, I guess.
And it felt like such a monstrous process to me.
What you described is way more manageable. I do hope that you can do it your way.
Don't get me wrong. We still have documents, but they're in the form of markdown
files. But there's a lot of documents.
What we're trying to do is to use open standards. So there's a lot of software
that allows you to do the documentation.
But the problem is, it's not that it's costly. That would be fine.
The problem is the format is closed.
So we are trying to build all the documents and everything in open formats so
we can share it with customers and export it into the platform that they use.
This is another challenge. But it's getting there.
Right. But once you're there, that means your customers don't have to go through
the same process, which is kind of great.
I wanted to touch on the customers a bit. Who would be your ideal customers?
Would it be big automotive companies, anyone else in the safety space?
Or might it also be hobbyists, people that are makers and want to try new ways
of building safe environments?
Can you talk about the ideal customer a little bit?
It ideally it would be the big
automotive customers and aerospace and
big functional safety like medical or let's
say heavy industrial customers but that's
this is our hope that in 10 years this will happen today we are hoping to get
to customers which are smaller oems customers that build let's say electrical
bikes or electrical scooters because as we are talking They can sell them without certification,
but in a few years, probably,
they won't be able to do this because of European regulation.
So we are trying to get a system for them where they can use it to build these
kind of small micromobility devices.
And our second target is also smaller OEMs that build these smaller,
usually electric cars that will probably take over the city.
I mean, I doubt that in five to 10 years, you will have a big SUV running around in a city.
Visit me in Dusseldorf, then I might convince you of the opposite.
SUVs are very much a thing here.
Yes, but for instance, Paris, I think, has double or triple parking fees for SUVs.
I read some news somewhere. I don't know if it's actually true, but probably.
So that they can create more space for smaller vehicles.
But in the long run, I really think people will have a small electric car,
which they will use in the city.
I don't want to say names, but we all know smaller electric cars.
And then for going, let's say, on vacation, they will have a bigger SUV.
Because literally you don't need it in the city. I mean, you can get around
in a city with a small car and park easier.
Yeah, yeah, totally. And I also like that you think long-term here because not
many companies, especially startups, have a 10-year window or they think about
what happens in 10 years from now.
And it feels like this is part of the equation as well.
Can you talk a little bit about this? Why do you think in such long time spans?
Because we have no other choice. That's how the automotive industry works.
I mean, the long selling cycles and cars, so software that is being written
today will be in cars in three to four years.
So we really have no option than we think on the long run.
And even with Rust, they are looking at Rust, but they don't fully understand it.
Most of the car companies want to use it, but don't know how.
So we are trying to figure this out.
Are there any important or big automotive companies that are ahead of the curve
here that understand it better than other companies.
Yes, they are, but I can't and I don't want to name them because we work with some of them.
It might be NDA, but if you search online, you will see there's a couple of
companies that have invested in rust.
And there are some companies that have rust in cars already,
not in safety critical systems.
But as a better example, every car manufacturer that will use Android Automotive,
which is Android's version for the infotainment of the car, for now at least,
will use Rust because Google is rewriting Binder in Rust.
Binder is the communication mechanism for driver for Android applications.
So as soon as Google will ship this, everybody will have it in the car.
And usually car manufacturers are modifying this android because they adapt
it to themselves and they will have no choice than use rust it's.
Kind of funny that in the 90s we tried to move away from rust in cars and now
it's back if you allow me that pun.
I've heard this i have heard this a lot i was talking to people that are not
in the technical space and when they heard rust Rust in cars,
they said, oh, this is bad.
I mean, how can I do marketing for you when you're telling me that I need to
put rust in the car? Oh, yeah, what can I do?
We can oxidize it. We can call it off.
I watched a few things in that space. One was also a talk by Renault at Rust Nation UK.
They talk openly about rust usage, so it's not a trade secret. I know that mercedes had a prototype internally
that was a leak that came out
where they had a rust repository but it was not for a safety
critical environment i also know that
volvo builds volvo os or something
like this and it apparently was based on rust but i'm not sure if it still is
or if they even developed that anymore and also a german manufacturer vw which
at least experimented with it there were a few companies that i know of yeah.
I want to refrain from saying names because we work with car companies and
i don't want to infer anything there.
And how does a conversation like this usually go when you go in and you say
you should definitely have rust in your car apart from the obvious pun they
might also have questions about
why this is a necessary step and what do you tell them then well.
It's not about rust because no car manufacturer will actually
take rust because it's rust and it's a new language they don't care and they
shouldn't care they saw cars and what we tell them is hey you know we can shorten
the selling cycle we can be faster in the time to market anyway your developers
need to learn. Car companies are,
internalizing a lot. They took the model of Tesla and just internalize everything,
but they need to train the teams because they're not big tech companies.
And we're telling them, Hey, anyway, you need to train your people.
Why not train them directly in rust? It's more expressive. You can do it faster.
That's one. The second one is we tell them, Hey, you know, you will have a safety
issue because one, you need to respect the European regulations.
Second, you will have to respect the White House and the NSA's guidelines.
And at some point, you will not be able to get away with C and C++ because these
languages were specifically named in those papers.
So it's a good idea to start with this. What we are trying to tell them now
is let's make a POC, proof of concept.
So I'm not expecting you to change your whole operating system.
Them let's take something small and make a proof of concept and evaluate how
fast this is working for you and if we can prove that hey this was way faster
than writing it in c or in legacy things then maybe you would consider working
with us and this is the selling point that we have.
And then you come and you have some skeleton of their application that they
want to build you You build the proof of concept for them on top of OxidOS and you demonstrate it.
Exactly. Many of them want to run OxidOS alongside something else.
And that is also possible.
I mean, if you have a beefier chip, you can always hypervise OxidOS. Many want to do this.
OxidOS is just a good guest in this case. And it runs on a host and it has its
own little runtime, which actually we maybe should touch on soon.
But then you can embed it into another bigger system.
Exactly. I mean, it's an operating system that works on small chips,
Cortex-M-like or RISC-V, IAMC.
So anything that respects these can run OxidOS.
And this is interesting because for RISC-V, there are very few operating systems
that actually work in this small chip space.
And OxidOS works perfectly on RISC-V.
Is that the hardware that the automotive companies use.
Not yet mostly most companies use PowerPCs and arms yes PowerPCs the old ones
they never changed the chips but probably in the future they will shift towards
risk 5 for several reasons okay.
Let's talk about TockOS itself of the components that it consists of the architecture,
the high level picture of the entire thing.
All right, so TockOS is different from other operating systems in its class.
Mostly because it's an embedded operating system for small chips,
but behaves like a normal operating system for computers in the sense that the
kernel of the operating system is completely separated from the apps and is
getting compiled separately.
That's a piece written fully in Rust. There is actually no C line of code.
So yes, we do have some assembly, but most
of the the rest of the kernel not most of the kernel is
written fully in rust it has zero external
dependencies i mean everything is contained into the repository we do not allow
external dependencies except for crypto libraries or things that are super well
vetted but at the moment there's no external dependency applications are compiled
separately from the kernel so
completely separately into their own binaries.
You could write an application in C and D, in Rust, in C++, or anything that
compiles for the target.
As long as you can produce a static relocatable binary, which is a star for
Rust, because Rust still can't produce this on ARM, you can run it on top of
OxidOS and on top of Tock, actually.
So right now, applications are exactly like Linux applications.
They're their own binaries. they're not dependent on the kernel.
Whenever you flash the operating system, you are flashing only the kernel,
and then you can flash separately the apps, which is not the case for other
operating systems in its class.
Secondly, we do require memory protection, and applications are sandboxed.
So applications run in user mode, exactly like a Linux application.
Applications can never touch hardware. Absolutely never touch hardware.
So you cannot have the case that you have an application that configures a dma
differently than another application and then everything breaks which is the case of FreeRTOS.
If they can't touch hardware how do they get any work done.
Through divers the kernel provides drivers so in the top kernel we have two
types of drivers one is low level drivers which control hardware and export
a set of traits, a set of standard traits,
these drivers do have some unsafe code because we need to do memory input outputs, MMIO.
But other than that, unsafe code is completely avoided.
And then you have upper level drivers, which are called capsules.
These ones are forbidden in having unsafe code.
So they can only use safe rust, which means a driver even though it runs with
full privileges on the computer on the processor,
cannot interfere with other drivers and applications because the compiler has
checked this at compile time.
Of course, as long as the binary stays the same of the kernel,
but you can always digitally sign the kernel.
But as soon as the driver compiles, you know for a fact that it can't interfere
with another driver or another application, even though it runs in full privileges.
And this allows us to guarantee safety with zero runtime penalty.
Well, you have this really magical compile time system but at the same time you run
applications that are compiled independently and they run on this small runtime
so technically if i could find an exploit i could still try to access the hardware directly no.
No because you run in an mpu sandbox
mpu is memory protection so the application
can access only its small part of memory
none of the peripherals are ever mapped or
not mapped but allowed to be
accessed by the application so as long as hardware doesn't misbehave you are
not able to touch the peripherals because it will fault the processor should
fault of course if the processor doesn't support memory protection then there's
nothing that we can do applications can't always access peripherals can.
You restart applications at runtime can you.
Of course.
Okay. That means you can also update them if you want to.
Of course i mean we do need some support from hardware because some flash systems
on some microcontrollers behave in a really strange way but for instance for
nordic semiconductors it works very well for STMs it works very well i mean
you can update just the application the application can fault.
It's the equivalent of a stack fault. It can be restarted, it can be stopped.
You can do with an application the same things that you would do with a Linux
application, just that the number of applications is significantly reduced.
I can imagine that this is a really nice demonstration for vehicle manufacturers as well,
when they for the first time see that you can safely restart or even update
an application that might enable them to do more in the future.
Yes, this is one of the selling points. But as I said, we have three to four applications per chip.
And yes, but don't expect it to be like in Linux. You have thousands of applications
now, three to four applications usually.
And what do these applications do?
It's the business logic of your device. So anything that is not related to hardware
is done in an application, including networking.
I mean, we have a running networking stack written in C, which runs in an application.
So if your networking stack misbehaves, you just shoot it down and restart it.
That's pretty incredible.
I mean, the operating system provides the layer two of the networking,
but anything else goes into the application.
It's kind of cool that you can do that in application space, in user space,
quote unquote, quote because in traditional operating systems that will be a
core part of the operating system but for you it's just another application
that runs just next to the others and is there some sort of communication between
those apps then can they send messages to one another because,
if you want to use that application and make a network request you have to reach it somehow.
Yes, so that's what we do. We have an IPC system that sends messages between applications.
We would love if hardware will help us more in this sense, but it doesn't.
So many, many times it results into copying buffers because we have no other way.
We have a way of sharing memory, but due to the way hardware is constructed,
this is super limited.
Shout out to James Munns who worked on or is still working on postcard which is a
message format i wondered do you use your own message format for this ipc bus
or do you use something out there that already exists.
We transfer buffers applications use whatever they want okay.
So you deal with it on a memory level and you say this is the blob that got
sent to you deal with it and then you need to interpret it.
so out of the box that's
what the operating system does of course
you can always add a driver a capsule to
the operating system that is let's say content aware of the message and does
more but this is something that goes from user to user so we ship the operating
system with a generic set of
capsules and it's you the user who decides if if you want to add or not,
something like this. But in a generic way, we passed the buffer.
If I was a manufacturer, I would ask, isn't that a security risk?
Because you give me a blob of memory and I might interpret it in a certain way.
For example, try to parse it as a struct that I can understand.
There might be issues with the parsing process and maybe this could be an exploit.
What would you answer there?
In the application, you mean? Well, the application needs to parse the,
I mean, in automotive, they use it a little bit different.
They won't pass buffers. They have something that is called the RTE,
real time environment. I think real time environment.
I'm not the automotive expert in the company. I'm the operating system expert in the company.
Where they have a set of connections. So every application gets its values.
So more or less automotive applications work like PLCs.
They have a running cycle, and at every cycle, they just read some values.
So what we do there, we just hand over to the application the values.
We have a specialized capsule, which provides these values to the application.
Let's say an application wants to know the RPM of the engine,
the temperature of the engine, something like that.
And then the application does something based on this. So yes,
in the automotive space, we do have semantic passing of buffers.
But even if you didn't, it wouldn't matter because that's in the application
space and that is inherently sandboxed.
Exactly. I mean, if the application tries to access anything outside its world of memory, it just falls.
Of course, an application could generate some networking signals or CAN signals
based on something that it receives. But then the application had the right to do that.
An interesting thing that Tock provides and inherently OxidOS also provides
is we are able to digitally sign applications, actually add credentials to applications.
It doesn't matter if it's a digital signature, it's a hash, it's just a credential field.
And we can check those credentials and have firewall I called this,
of what system calls an application is allowed to do.
So, for instance, if you have an application that just needs to crunch some
numbers but should never be able to access CAN, CAN is the communication bus,
the credential that the application will receive will forbid it to access the CAN.
Any system call to the CAN driver will just fail.
The application won't even know that there is a CAN capability on the device.
Because the operating system will reject it immediately.
Right. Because that's another huge advantage there.
If I understand you correctly, that means that you don't have to run all of
this on real hardware to be able to test it. You can have your own little test environment.
If you work against these trades, if you work against these capsules as you
described them, that means you can test all your code even with unit tests locally
and then deploy it once and be moderately sure that it will just work?
We actually do this. So we have an OxidOS simulator, which is publicly available
in the cloud, where you can run OxidOS and real applications.
So that means the real binary of the application compiled for ARM.
In this case, on top of OxidOS, which is compiled to WASM.
So OxidOS runs as a Wasm device, not Wasm device, it's compiled to Wasm.
And applications are just to run and do system calls.
And incidentally, applications don't, system calls in Tock and OxidOS are not
function calls, are real ABI calls.
So they do real system calls with sending data in registers,
which is perfect for core WASM because that's what we can ship.
So system calls are translated into really WASM simple function calls.
But you can test the exact same binary in a test environment.
And you can do this today accessing our platform.
Yeah, makes for a great demo. Just for some context, WASM means Web Assembly.
That's the runtime that gets built and can run not only on the web,
and it's also not assembly.
It's a format that is kind of specified in the open that allows you to have
a very conservative set of inputs, mostly integers and floats.
And a blob of memory that you can manipulate however you want.
And it seems like TockOS maps very nicely into this model.
And I guess others that came before TockOS that are used by current manufacturers,
they don't really map to that model right away.
It's probably very, very hard to run any existing system on WebAssembly.
They don't have the separation. So we were lucky in the sense that Tock and
Oxid allowed us to compile the kernel in WebAssembly and then provide functions
like networking or CAN in a simulated way,
and then run the binary applications directly on top of it.
We're just interpreting ARM assembly and making system calls.
And this was fairly easy to do for us. And this is what you can see on our website.
And we're hoping to have a nice day-long workshop at Oxidize about this.
Amazing. Really looking forward to that. And can you run async code as well?
Actually, thank you for the question. Tock's kernel and OxidOS as well is fully asynchronous.
So we are not allowed in the kernel to do any synchronous action.
So every capsule and driver is a state machine.
This reduces, makes the kernel more predictable.
On the user space technically everything
is asynchronous even in c even in rust you'd have to do asynchronous things
we need to struggle to make it synchronous i mean make a call wait for an answer
filter all the other answers out the rust library for Tock was initially asynchronous,
now we have one that is synchronous and we at Oxid are trying to write a new
library that uses a weight and a sink, and we're experimenting if we can use
the embassies API for that.
Embassy RS is a library for embedded systems, and it seems that people are starting to use it,
and we are looking into if we could port embassy as an application for OxidOS.
Because the kernel actually helps us a lot in this.
If you don't use Embassy right now, does it mean you have your own executor at the moment?
The first Rust library had its own executor, but it wasn't great.
The second one is fully synchronous for several reasons that were discussed in the Tock meetings.
Okay. And what's so great about Embassy, other than maybe that it's a standard?
Well, actually, that's probably the greatest benefit of it, to have something
that works cross-platform, cross-application, cross-use case?
I'm not an embassy expert. I just teach an embedded class at the university which uses embassy.
Why did we choose embassy? Because it works. We use the Raspberry Pi Pico for
this and embassy actually works on the Raspberry Pi Pico with Wi-Fi.
So this is clearly the point why we chose embassy.
When it comes to embassy, I don't know if embassy is standard,
but it does provide the standard Rust-embedded async hull.
So the Rust-embedded group provided standard traits and Embassy just used them,
which is great because it actually doesn't matter if you use Embassy or some
other framework, you will have the same API, more or less.
That's why we are trying to port Embassy over. I mean, Embassy has a really
nice asynchronous executor. It seems to work well and is of decent size.
And we think it could be very useful in our applications.
But more than that, I'm not an embassy expert. So I'm just learning as I teach the class.
When you teach embassy to students in the class, do they get it?
Do they struggle with this new environment? Or maybe to rephrase it,
do they struggle more with embassy and async execution or Rust and its syntax and the borrow checker?
I think none of them. They struggle with not being able to see the panic.
So a problem that we have is we have Raspberry Pi Picos, but we don't have a
debugger for them. So everything goes through USB.
And what the embassy is still not able to do is, if you get a panic, shoot it out over USB.
So if students get a panic, the port doesn't work, maybe blinks an LED.
But shooting out the panic over USB is the problem that we are having with embassy.
Understanding Rust, yes, maybe in the first labs, but we did some intros and
they have some boilerplate code,
understanding how to
use the framework that's really easy i mean examples are fairly good you have
some tutorials and the lab team did a great job in writing additional tutorials
actually the class is free you can see it online if anybody wants to use it
feel free to use it that's.
Amazing and is anyone working on this panic handler a way to see the panic somewhere
else other than the blinking light.
No i don't i none that i
know of we as the team for the class and
not OxidOS is looking into this because in
Tock we can do this we have a few chips that only have usb and we can shoot
out the panic over the usb and we are looking if we can contribute this back
to embassy to may do the same thing but it's very different from Tock because
it needs to touch embassies internals on this okay.
And what other tools do you use other than embassy and a raspberry pi do you use probe rs in class.
Yes of course of course well.
Not everyone knows what probe rs is maybe you can explain what it does what it provides to you.
On a bird's eye view probe rs is a really nice tool that allows you to flash
embedded devices from a computer.
And the really nice thing about it is that it knows a lot of boards.
Technically, when you buy a board, you need to take a specific software that would flash the board.
With Probe RS, they somehow collected a lot of open source code and they have
written a lot of open source code in Rust, which makes flashing a board really easy.
It's like a Swiss army knife for connecting and flashing software to boards.
And yes, we use Probe RS. We use it for flashing and for displaying the USB
messages, the console messages.
Nice that means you have a
very productive development environment mostly except for maybe this blinking
panic handler but how do students feel about this and especially about rust
are they excited about the language can they even compare it with something
else that existed before like c or do you start right away with rust how do
they feel about this environment and about the language.
My students are a special case they started in the their second year of
university and during the first year they studied java only
java so it was interesting because it was easy to
relate to because java has interfaces rust has traits they're not exactly the
same thing but they can relate to this java has classes rust has structs but
java has methods and rust does have methods so at least for me from a teaching
point of view and from the students it was easy to relate to Java.
And then they understood this rather easily.
If they like it or not, we will find out at the end of the class because every
student has to build a project.
We'll see the project and the feedback that we get from the students.
But so far, we think it's okay so far.
It's the first time that we do it. I mean, it's a completely brand new class.
Once the students graduate and they are trying to look for jobs what are you
looking for when someone applies to OxidOS what are the skills that are required
to hire embedded rust engineers?
I will say something that people might not really resonate with i like students
that are really good in doing educated guesses,
so i ask him something i'm super happy if he doesn't know it because it's something
specific specific, but I'm really, really happy when he tries to figure out
how to tackle the problem and does some really good educated guesses.
This means that the candidate uses his brain a lot and is able to understand
complex problems and find an engineering solution.
So I care less about the fact that he doesn't know the Rust language. Fair enough.
If you know programming and understand the concepts, you will learn Rust in two days.
And we've seen this before. So we have employees which knew nothing,
literally nothing about Rust when we employed them.
And now they are super proficient in Rust and solving difficult problems because
it's not about Rust, it's about solving the problem.
What are some great resources to learn more about embedded Rust development?
You mentioned the course already, which is open.
I hope that we can link that in the show notes. But is there anything else,
any project ideas or any great resources that come to mind?
That's difficult. I think the ecosystem is lacking here. So I know the Rust
embedded books that the Rust website has.
I don't think they are really pedagogical. For me, it was hard to understand what they do.
And I struggled with this. Good resources.
I might not know every resource. So my problem is I don't know the resources
because I did my training myself.
And I did my training myself a few years ago, reading the embedded books,
contributing to Tock, and mostly seeing what others did in Tock.
So asking other contributors, looking at what they did, reverse engineering. That's how I learned.
So good resources, yes, start with the books. It's still better than a few years
ago because they used the microbit. They had another obscure board that they
were using for a demo, which at least for me was really difficult to get.
Now they use the micro bit, which is nice, and you can get it really easy,
and it has a debugger, but they still need to work on how to do embedding.
If I would recommend somebody to start with an embedded, I would say read the Embassy tutorials.
It works really easy, it's understandable, and at least it's a good starting point.
But it's nowhere close to arduino i'm sorry it's really nowhere close to arduino,
but we can i mean we can contribute to this ecosystem that's why we made the
class open source i'm not saying we have a really good resource i'm saying we
have a resource and we made it open source and we we gladly accept contributions
and feedback i mean we would love to have contributions and feedback yeah.
A few things that come to mind from my side is I do work very well on a project-based environment.
So I take a challenge and then I try to fix it or solve the problem.
So focusing more on the project itself and not necessarily on the language or
environment or the libraries, that is one thing.
The other thing is open source maintenance or contributing to open source can
really help you get better at understanding how other people work and think better,
Where do you see Rust heading? What will be the future of Rust in 5 to 10 to 15 years?
I think it will do what Java and .NET did in 95 for the enterprise business.
They completely wiped out C++ there. Some people still use COBOL,
but that's like isolated cases.
But I think for the embedded systems and for basic applications or command line
applications, this will be the case. I don't think people will start new projects
in C and C++. They will start them in Rust.
It's going to take a few years. Still, it's going to take a few years,
but you can already see sudo has been rewritten in Rust. The time server has been rewritten in Rust.
And you see more and more projects that are being rewritten.
So the ecosystem has exploded. It's moving nicely.
And I think Rust, or this is my personal opinion,
A language that applies the same principles of Rust will take over the command
line and embedded systems in the next 10 years.
This is like Java and C#. They did Java, but C is probably used on a wider scale.
What would that mean to the state of critical infrastructure if it was rewritten in Rust?
I think it's going to be
at least safer from the
undefined behavior point of view I mean
a lot of critical infrastructure has been written in c and c plus plus for a
good reason don't get me wrong they had no other choice I mean when they started
writing that critical infrastructure they had no choice they had constrained
systems but I think it's going to become safer because undefined behavior is less likely to occur.
I mean, we can still have undefined behavior and the compiler bug that we had
like half a year ago proved that you can segfault a Rust program.
And I think there's still things that, there's still ways to write the code
that will segfault the Rust, not the compiler, but the program written in Rust because it happens.
But at least on a general on scale, it's less likely to happen.
It's not that programmers are not good. Programmers are really good,
but eventually you make a mistake.
Eventually you forget to verify that a pointer is not.
Rust helps you in this. I think they would have written critical infrastructure
in Java or C Sharp if they could. But they couldn't.
Yeah, because those environments were not supported by the runtime.
It was not possible. I mean, simply not possible.
We work also with a software services company, and we have in production Rust.
I have Rust in industrial systems, and I have Rust in kiosks,
and it works really nice.
This is kind of a surprising thing to me, because I met you at Embedded World,
and there were other companies there as well, which didn't really advertise
Rust, but they used it. And for them, it was just a tool.
And there were people that used it for their environments, for really solving customer problems.
And that made me aware that we are making progress here, even in highly regulated environments.
And also, people are generally excited about it, but they don't really see it
as a language in and of itself, just a piece of the puzzle that just fits in well and makes sense.
It's the right tool for the job and this was kind of eye-opening we.
Shipped three years ago an industrial system that works today in industry and
before OxidOS long before OxidOS we shipped Rust software into the industry
and we chose Rust not because it was fancy because we,
The client allowed us to rewrite the project because they liked it.
And we said we had a lot of problems in C.
Let's try it in Rust. We had one issue.
Never heard about the client again. I mean, never heard about the client.
No news is good news. I mean, it works.
And that was more than three years ago when we shipped it.
When he said never heard about the client again, I wondered about why that was
the case. But yeah, I guess in this context...
No, no news is good news. I mean, it works. The system works the client
is happy they don't need patches to it because it works it didn't fail.
Yeah, I guess the one - of the biggest compliments for any programming language
or tool is if it becomes boring to use where you don't really you're not really
worried that you will run into any huge issues or you will need to have long
patch cycles and so on it just works and from what you tell me this is the experience
that you had with this project.
Yes it just worked and imagine it was the same team building both of them and
on the first iteration which was in c we had a lot of problems and not because
programmers were not good because of like no pointer which misbehaved or something
that we didn't catch or a concurrency problem or
deadlock in a mutex, or something like that,
which, yeah, Rust made it easier.
I mean, eventually, with the older project, we realized, because everybody knew
Rust in the team, but the client wanted C.
We basically built Rust structures in C, and we said, hey, why are we doing this? Let's use Rust.
Awesome. It has become sort of a tradition around here to ask this one final question.
What would be your message to the Rust community? You can say literally anything,
it can be technical or non-technical, but if you wanted to address the Rust
community as a whole, what would you say? The stage is yours.
I would say use Rust if it is the right tool for the right job.
Use it when it's really necessary.
And don't try to use Rust where it's not necessary or where something else works better.
That would be my message. And this will make Rust a success.
If you're trying to push Rust everywhere,
even if it doesn't fit really well, there will be a backlash.
So for the community, the message will be, use it as the right tool.
Awesome and i guess that wraps it up pretty well,
unless you have any questions we are
done with our interview and i thank you
very much for taking the time and i
hope to give OxidOS and TockOs a try in the future i you definitely put it
on the map for me and if anyone out there is listening where can they learn
more about OxidOS how can they get started what will be the first step also
including Tock of course so.
For Tock just go to the Tock repository and look at the Tock operating system
start reading the documentation pick a board because Tock is really explicit
about boards pick a board that you have and just run it on the board that would
be my message this is the message that we send that to everyone one.
For OxidOS, oxidos.io, go to our developer platform, sign up and you can use
OxidOS in a simulated environment.
Don't expect something super, super flashy. It's at the beginning.
But we are trying to build the manuals and everything for OxidOS so you can
see how to use it in automotive.
Alex, thank you so much for all the insights and for being a guest.
Thank you for inviting me. Happy to talk to you and happy to talk about Rust.
Thank you! Ciao
Rust in Production is a podcast by corrode, it is hosted by me Matthias Endler and produced
by Simon Brüggen. For show notes transcripts and to learn more about how we can
help your company make the most of Rust visit corrode.dev. Thanks for listening to Rust in Production.