Share the Best #forabetterworldofwork

Top Employers Institute DACH
Since 05/2022 19 Episoden

#7 Special Edition: Live panel discussion of "Our World of Work 2023 Trend Report" on the evening of the Certification Celebration 2023

09.02.2023 24 min

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

„Share the best“ startet direkt mit einer spannenden Sonderepisode ins Podcastjahr 2023: Ihr hört die englischsprachige Live-Aufnahme der überaus hörenswerten Panel-Diskussion am Abend der Certification Celebration der neuen Top Employers 2023 am 18. Januar in der Düsseldorfer Seifenfabrik. Panel-Host Adrian Seligman, Executive Board Member Top Employers Institute, hatte eine hochkarätige Runde zu sich auf die Bühne geladen: Lesley White, Deputy VP HR West Europe Huawei Technologies, Dietmar Knoess, Global Director People & Organization Puma, Birgit Giokalas, HR Talent and Learning Boehringer Ingelheim, sowie Alexander Schneider, Senior Vice President HR Europe & Germany DHL Global Forwarding. Das Panel diskutierte vor mehr als 200 Vertreterinnen und Vertretern der frisch gekürten Top Employer über den „Our World of Work 2023 Trend Report“ – spannende Insights waren garantiert.
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"Share the best" starts the podcast year 2023 with an exciting special episode: You listen to the live recording of the extremely listenable panel discussion on the evening of the Certification Celebration of the new Top Employers 2023 on 18 January in the Düsseldorf Seifenfabrik. Panel host Adrian Seligman, Executive Board Member Top Employers Institute, had invited a top-class panel to join him on stage: Lesley White, Deputy VP HR West Europe Huawei Technologies, Dietmar Knoess, Global Director People & Organisation Puma, Birgit Giokalas, HR Talent and Learning Boehringer Ingelheim, and Alexander Schneider, Senior Vice President HR Europe & Germany DHL Global Forwarding. The panel discussed the "Our World of Work 2023 Trend Report" in front of more than 200 representatives of the newly awarded Top Employers - exciting insights were guaranteed.
Would you like to know more about the work of the Top Employer Institute and the certification process? Then take a look at our website at