Starches for your Life


Plant-Based & Gluten-Free

About Gluten-Free products and the current plant-based trends in the industry

11.12.2023 16 min Staffel 1 Episode 3

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

On Starches for your Life, we talk to experts from our company, scientists, and industry insiders about trends, future, and topics that move us in the ingredients industry. Get inspired by listening to this podcast! 
In episode 3 of Starches for your Life we speak with Lea Steinwender, project manager for Starch Food at the AGRANA Research & Innovation Center. 

Starches for your Life episode 3 with Lea Steinwender, project manager for Starch Food at the AGRANA Research & Innovation Center.

In this podcast, we talk about “plant-based”, especially plant-based proteins for meat-alternatives. We also answer the question on how to develop a plant-based meat-alternative that is free from methyl cellulose.

Furthermore, we get a glimpse into latest trends for gluten-free products, review the introduction of two concepts for gluten-free baked goods at the Food Ingredients Europe 2023, and answer the question on how to optimize your gluten-free products in organic quality and clean-label.

In addition, we discuss the current plant-based trends in the industry.

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