The World of RPGs

Moritz Botts

Episode 09 - Poland Part 2

2023-09-30 47 min

Description & Show Notes

In this second part of the Poland double episode, we look in more detail at specific games.

Disclaimer: All links are to the websites or social media presence of RPG publishers, creators, gaming stores, gaming clubs, or actual play channels. I take no responsibility for the content behind those links. I received no compensation for linking to any of these pages.
The gaming club I hung out with during my study abroad was Druga Era (
) and I got my RPG books at Empik ( Nowadays, major Polish game publishers and distributors are Rebel ( and Portal ( 
I mentioned a number of YouTube channels about TTRPGs in different countries. The Polish channel TTRPGs Around the World is dedicated to this topic ( though they have not done a Poland episode yet. 
The channel Don’t Stop Thinking has an episode in which the interview someone from Poland ( The German channel Lurch und Lama has an English language interview about Israel (