Episode 12 - Korea
2024-02-18 68 min Moritz Botts
Description & Show Notes
In the first episode of 2024 and our second part of the visit to the East Asian countries, we take a look at the gaming scene in (South) Korea. Also, yes, I had a cold while recording the introduction.
Disclaimer: All links are to the websites or social media presence of RPG publishers, creators, gaming stores, gaming clubs, or actual play channels. I take no responsibility for the content behind those links. I received no compensation for linking to any of these pages.
- The actual play channel I used for the teaser can be found here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLevYAYl0oA).
- Naver Café is a forum-like gaming website (https://cafe.naver.com/trpgdnd)
- Bum Lee's games can be found on his website (https://bumlee.com/games/) or on Dungeon Masters Guild (https://www.dmsguild.com/browse.php?author=Bum%20Lee)
- Kyle's Magicians is available from his company Sam Joko Publishing (https://samjokopublishing.com/products/magicians-rpg)
- Joey runs Dice and Comics in Seoul (https://www.facebook.com/thedicelatte/ and https://www.instagram.com/thedicelatte/?hl=en). A different gaming café is Laughing Goblin Space (https://www.facebook.com/laugh.goblins)
- Storygames publishes Korean translations of story games (http://blog.storygames.kr/)
- Korean TTRPGs mentioned in the interviews are Moonflower (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/magisterludi/moonflower-a-story-game-of-impossible-journeys) and Dawn of Fate (http://trpgclub.com/renewal/?p=5)
- The traditional Korean dice game mentioned is Yut or Yunnori (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yunnori)
- Another - written - interview with a Korean gamer can be found here: (http://weirdwonderfulworlds.blogspot.com/2020/08/discussion-on-korean-ttrpgs-with.html)
My recommendation is an interview with Sanjun, the author of Moonflower, on Asians Represent (https://oneshotpodcast.com/uncategorized/the-korean-ttrpg-scene-ft-sanjun/).
- The music is by Thomas Mutiu, you can find his work here: https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/artist/7GmlxnkpjsEMAq1deN5aeR?si=g822wgdISJWrX0_6Sjc-Tw&nd=1
- The logo is by Ayberk Karakaş who you can find here: https://www.instagram.com/ayberkarakas/