Episode 19 - Spain Part 2
2025-01-27 80 min
Description & Show Notes
Part 2 of 2 for the Spain episode!
Disclaimer: All links are to the websites or social media presence of RPG publishers, creators, gaming stores, gaming clubs, or actual play channels. I take no responsibility for the content behind those links. I received no compensation for linking to any of these pages.
- The classic Spanish TTRPG Aquelarre is available in English.
- Blacksad, Malefic Time, Raven, Kingsmouth, and Little Monster Detectives are also Spanish TTRPGs that are available in English.
- The first actual play in Basque was taken from ADUR Jokoa
- The actual play in Castilian was as session of Mahō Shōjo GMed by Alexandra. An example of a Catalan gaming club can be found here.
- Fernando mentioned the history of Spanish role-playing publishers, including the now defunct Joc Internacional & La Factoría des Ideas, and the more current Devir and Edge Entertainment. The Galician TTRPG is called As Crónicas de Gáidil, and a Galician actual play channels is Galicia Rolera.
- Erys' games can be found here, including some English language material. Atopia has its own webpage.
- Zupe is a member of Rolling Languages.
- Arturo is from Shadowlands, which also has an English language website. The Trickerion RPG was crowdfunded in the Summer of 2024.
- Rodrigo is not only one of the translators of D&D 5E into Spanish but also part of Other Selves.
- Nosolorol is represented by Pedro.
- An example of a smaller Spanish publisher is El Refugio de Ryhope.
- The other interview with Rodrigo about D&D in Spain can be found on the Don't Stop Thinking YouTube channel.
- The music is by Thomas Mutiu
- The logo is by Ayberk Karakaş