Project HOPE

From conservation to personal growth
South Tyrolean speaker, film maker, author, ocean conservationist, animal and human rights activist Magdalena Gschnitzer talks about her 10 years of experience as an environmentalist. 
She will share stories of her time as volunteer for several NGOs and mostly she will tell us, how her biggest teachings in life have been found in the deepest shit. Yes, Maggy is aware that shit happens. But she also is convinced, that shit can be a fertilizer too. 

A podcast about hope, how to not loose it in times of deforestation, overfishing, pollution and war, and about how to become the hope ourselves. 
This podcast is a bridge between the steps to conservation and personal growth. Because it is sure, that what we save, saves us. 

The big thing that's holding us back from acting, is our consciousness, when based on fear. But where there is love, there is no fear. Where there is no fear, conservation is getting more easy. And where there is the courage for conservation, personal growth is thriving. 

In Maggy's words: 
"Protect what you love! It is time to fall in love again with this beautiful world!"