Project HOPE

From conservation to personal growth
Episode 6 - Addictet to growth, facing what comes...
... and how Active HOPE can help

04.03.2023 14 min

Talking and thinking about hope brings one big question up: where to begin?  It is important to understand, that hope without action is not what we need. What we need instead is the action of every single person, whether this is a small or a big one, we need active people in the world. And we need millions of them.  What we also need, is to face the challenges life throws at us. We can't run away from them, as they always will happen. But how we deal with them makes the big difference. And when facing the challenges, we are likely to grow from them and become stronger to act FOR the needed change.  Prepare your mindset to not run away!! Face your challenges, grow from them and act for this world! 
Episode 5 - The different sides of hope
Whatever situation we face, we can choose how to respond

11.02.2023 13 min

Talking and thinking about hope brings one big question up: where to begin? It can feel overwhelming when we face the mess, when we let in the dreadful news of all the tragedies happening in our world, and we may start wondering whether we can do anything about it anyway.  I believe we need to acknowledge that the times we’re living in confront us with realities that are painful to face and difficult to take in. This acknowledgement can be hurting, but at the same time it can also be the starting point of an amazing journey that strengthens us and deepens our aliveness. The purpose of this journey is to understand, that hope without action is not what we need. What we need instead is the action of every single person, whether this is a small or a big one, we need active people in the world and we need millions of them.  Whatever situation we face, we can choose our response to it. When facing overwhelming challenges, we might feel that our actions don't count for much. Yet the kind of responses we make and the degree to which we believe they count, are shaped by the way we think and feel about hope.  Welcome to the new episode of the Project HOPE Podcast! 
Episode 4 - Change happens, if we want it, or not
A new and positive view on change

28.01.2023 13 min

Do you believe, that change is possible?  I do and I go one step further and say, that change definitely happens, if we want it or not.  Change might be the only thing that happens constantly. To me the biggest thought on change is, which direction I want it to turn. If we begin to understand, that our daily choices do have an impact on whether the change is positive or negative, then we can support it to go the direction we wish by acting different. If I wouldn't believe in change, all of my efforts as an activist would be for nothing. Then I could also fly to the other side of the globe, enjoy the beach and go for fun dives every day to enjoy what is left of the beautiful underwater world. And believe me, I absolutely love to dive. But I know that my work is needed to support people to understand, that their daily choices do have an impact. That's why I do what I do, because I know, that every person can change everything in their life. The most important thing that is needed, is a strong WHY.  I hope to inspire you a little bit with my thoughts on change and I hope even more to help you kick out some negative thoughts about change.  Have fun with this episode!
Episode 3 - What if the only reason is to grow?
A deep story of my heart

14.01.2023 23 min

Do you think everything that happens in this world has a reason?  I love to believe that. At the same time I can't say, that I always understand the reason. Neither do I love every of those reasons that I do understand. A lot of things happened in my life that really hurt me.  Sometimes I started to understand the "why" a few years after a certain event happened. Other things I still don't understand and I might never.   I can't say from deep in my heart, that I am thankful for everything that happened in my life. But what I am really thankful for is the amount of resilience I was able to grow throughout the years and also am I thankful for my personal, mental and spiritual growth I experienced after certain events.  I wish you to be able to look at the hard moments in your life from a different perspective. I think that changes everything.  Hugs Maggy
Episode 2 - What we save, saves us
The story that made me be an activist

31.12.2022 16 min

The story that made me be an activist is one of my favorite stories, as it was the very first one, where I deeply connected to a fish. Yes, a fish.  For quite some years I thought, I saved him, while now I do know, that it was the opposite. Without this story I know for sure, that I wouldn't be the person I am today.  In 2013 I flew to Thailand as a tourist, not knowing that I would come back home as an activist.  How that happened I will tell you in this episode😉 Enjoy! Hugs Maggy
Episode 1 - A strong why
Why this podcast and what is Project HOPE about?

17.12.2022 16 min

Don't we need a strong answer to the why? I mean the big WHY to the question: Why do we do, what we do? Why do we live the way we live, choose the way we choose...  In this episode I'll answer this question and you will get to know me as an activist, a speaker, film maker, author, leader of a foundation and most of all as a human being.  There are many stories and experiences waiting for you in this podcast. I will offer tips and inputs on living a more sustainable lifestyle and I will also talk about my own contradictions in life, you know, the ones everyone has, because that makes me laugh at myself. We all find ourselves in contradictions from time to time, don't we? And if we see and question them, we can laugh about it and create change with ease.  And that is already a big part of my answer to the why: I want to bring more lightness into activism, not at least for myself. I know how heavy the topics of ocean conservation, animal and human rights can be, but I also know very much, what can happen, if we forget to fill up our own cup with some fun and joy on the way. So I'll try to use this podcast to combine exactly this: From conservation to personal growth with ease and joy.  Have fun!  You'll find the links in the shownotes
TRAILER - Project HOPE Podcast
From Conservation to personal growth

12.12.2022 1 min

Welcome to the Project HOPE Podcast - From conservation to personal growth!  A podcast to learn, reflect, rethink - a podcast to question things and yes, to also laugh about yourself. A podcast for everyone who lives the change and creates hope by acting. To summarize, this is a podcast to grow beyond yourself. From the dream of a better world and the courage to create it.It is time to fall in love again with our beautiful world, because I am convinced: what we love, we protect! Subscribe to the Project HOPE Podcast right now to not miss a single episode! I am looking forward to support you in your journey of conservation and growing our personality together.  Hugs Maggy