Project HOPE

From conservation to personal growth

Episode 1 - A strong why

Why this podcast and what is Project HOPE about?

17.12.2022 16 min

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

Don't we need a strong answer to the why? I mean the big WHY to the question: Why do we do, what we do? Why do we live the way we live, choose the way we choose... 
In this episode I'll answer this question and you will get to know me as an activist, a speaker, film maker, author, leader of a foundation and most of all as a human being. 

There are many stories and experiences waiting for you in this podcast. I will offer tips and inputs on living a more sustainable lifestyle and I will also talk about my own contradictions in life, you know, the ones everyone has, because that makes me laugh at myself. We all find ourselves in contradictions from time to time, don't we? And if we see and question them, we can laugh about it and create change with ease. 

And that is already a big part of my answer to the why: I want to bring more lightness into activism, not at least for myself. I know how heavy the topics of ocean conservation, animal and human rights can be, but I also know very much, what can happen, if we forget to fill up our own cup with some fun and joy on the way. So I'll try to use this podcast to combine exactly this: From conservation to personal growth with ease and joy. 

Have fun! 

You'll find the links in the shownotes

Follow me on Patreon where you can support my "Project HOPE Association" starting with 3€/month and receive many nice Inputs on that platform. Choose your plan on

Check out the documentary HOPE I am working on

Here you'll find my second book "HOPE - Everyone can change the world" (for now in german)

For more inputs and tips on the topics of ocean conservation, animal and human rights, or to sign up for the 30-Day HOPE-Challenge (in german) visit

As co-founder and leader of the SANUSPLANET Foundation, I suggest you to check out our homepage There you'll find out about all the NGOs we support already and you can connect with me, if you have or know a NGO that needs financial support.

Connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or follow my YouTube Channel for some nice videos.

You can order my first book, the vegan cook book "Lass die Sau raus" here (only available in german)

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