Project HOPE

From conservation to personal growth

Episode 4 - Change happens, if we want it, or not

A new and positive view on change

28.01.2023 13 min

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

Do you believe, that change is possible? 
I do and I go one step further and say, that change definitely happens, if we want it or not. 

Change might be the only thing that happens constantly. To me the biggest thought on change is, which direction I want it to turn. If we begin to understand, that our daily choices do have an impact on whether the change is positive or negative, then we can support it to go the direction we wish by acting different.

If I wouldn't believe in change, all of my efforts as an activist would be for nothing. Then I could also fly to the other side of the globe, enjoy the beach and go for fun dives every day to enjoy what is left of the beautiful underwater world. And believe me, I absolutely love to dive. But I know that my work is needed to support people to understand, that their daily choices do have an impact. That's why I do what I do, because I know, that every person can change everything in their life. The most important thing that is needed, is a strong WHY. 

I hope to inspire you a little bit with my thoughts on change and I hope even more to help you kick out some negative thoughts about change. 

Have fun with this episode!

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