Project HOPE

From conservation to personal growth

Episode 6 - Addictet to growth, facing what comes...

... and how Active HOPE can help

04.03.2023 14 min

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

Talking and thinking about hope brings one big question up: where to begin? 

It is important to understand, that hope without action is not what we need. What we need instead is the action of every single person, whether this is a small or a big one, we need active people in the world. And we need millions of them. 

What we also need, is to face the challenges life throws at us. We can't run away from them, as they always will happen. But how we deal with them makes the big difference. And when facing the challenges, we are likely to grow from them and become stronger to act FOR the needed change. 
Prepare your mindset to not run away!! Face your challenges, grow from them and act for this world! 

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